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Apollo launches tool that predicts cardiovascular diseases

DTMT Network

Apollo Hospitals on September 28, 2021, launched an AI (artificial intelligence) tool to predict risk of cardiovascular disease.

“The Apollo AI-powered Cardiovascular Disease Risk tool will help healthcare providers to predict the risk of cardiac disease in their patients and initiate intervention early enough to make a real difference,” Apollo hospital informed in a press release.

“The cardiac risk scoring tool is remarkable for the speed in processing data and its accuracy at predicting the probability of a patient developing coronary disease. Using the tool, physicians will be enabled to deliver proactive, pre-emptive and preventive care for at-risk individuals, improving lives while mitigating future pressure on healthcare systems,” said the hospital.

 Dr. Prathap C Reddy, Chairman, Apollo Hospitals Group, said, “While some predictive tools do exist to help physicians understand the probability of their patients developing heart disease, most of these are based on Western data sets and don’t take regional risk variations into account.”

“This impacts their accuracy when applied in an Indian context. The Apollo AI-powered Cardiovascular Disease Risk tool will change that and put the knowledge and the means to predict and prevent heart disease in the physician’s hands. Available till now only to Apollo’s physicians, it is a proud moment for us to dedicate this AI tool to all physicians in the country,” it added.

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