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Dr Bimal Chhajer inaugurating new center in Mumbai

SAAOL launches centre to combat heart ailments

With the aim to spread awareness about measures to prevent heart diseases and possibilities of treating cardiac ailments without the need of intervention among the people of Maharashtra, Science and Art of Living (SAAOL) has opened its new center in Mumbai.

With 86 centres across the country, SAAOL is one of the largest healthcare providers for preventive cardiology in India.

“By launching a new center in Mumbai, we aim to spread awareness about healthy lifestyle and how early treatment can prevent future complications and save many lives. Spreading awareness about the prevention and treatment modules of cardiovascular diseases can save many precious lives,”  said Dr Bimal  Chhajer, Founder, SAAOL Heart Center.

“Heart attack is born out of lack of knowledge and the effects that blockages have on the body only after 80%, and then one needs the doctors who suggest surgery or angioplasty to clear the blockage. If we know the cardiac health status, necessary steps can be taken to avoid blockages and complications,” stated Dr Chhajer.

He advised, “All we need is to provide vital heart health education to the masses and ask them to follow a healthy lifestyle along with a holistic approach to eliminate heart ailments.”

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