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It belongs to the group of tetracyclines acts primarily by inhibiting protein synthesis by binding to 30s ribosomes in susceptible organism. Subsequent to such binding, attachment of aminoacyl-t-RNA to the mRNA-ribosome complex is interferred with. As a result the peptide chain fails to grow.


Pelvic inflammatory diseases, gonorrhoea, NGU, chancroid, LGV, syphilis, granuloma inguinale, prostatis, skin & soft tissue infections, acute & chronic bronchitis, lung abscess, other infections due to susceptible organisms. Acne


Pelvic inflammatory disease : 100 mg twice a day for 14-21 days. Gonorrhoea : 100 mg 2 times daily for 5 days in males & 10 days in females. NGU: 100 mg once daily for 10-14 days. Chancroid : 100 mg twice daily for 10 days. L.G.V. 100 mg twice for14-23 days. Syphilis : 100 mg twice for 16 days. Granuloma inguinale : 100 mg twice till it heals.


Hypersensitivity, hepatic or renal dysfunction.

Special Precautions

Check periodically hepatic, renal & haemopoietic functions during prolong therapy. Paediatrics: Contraindicated in age below 8 years. Pregnancy: Contraindicated. Lactation: Contraindicated. Elderly: Use with caution.

Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lightheadedness, dizziness

Drug Interactions

Potentiates nephrotoxicity by methoxyflurance. Sodium bicarbonate inhibits dissolution in G.I.T. Interferes with anticoagulants. Blood levels reduced by anticonvulsants. Antacids, iron, milk and dairy products impair oral absorption. Reduces activity of some penicillins.

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