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Reviparin Sodium

Reviparin Sodium

It is a second generation low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) prepared by controlled nitrous acid digestion of porcine mucosal heparin. It exhibits narrow molecular weight distribution in comparison to other commercially available LMWHs.


ntraoperative and postoperative prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis in patient with a low to moderate thromboembolic risk.


Once daily subcutaneous injection of one 0.25 ml prefilled syringe. The first injection should be given 2 hours before surgery. The injection should be administered to pinched-up skin in the abdominal wall between the naval and the iliac crest, or on the front of the thigh


Invasive procedures involving the C.N.S, lumbar puncture, spinal anaesthesia, including epidural anaesthesia, known allergy to reviparin sodium and/or heparin, including allergic thrombocytopenia, conditions associated with an elevated bleeding risk, such as haemorrhagic diathesis, coagulation factor deficit, severe liver, kidney or pancreatic disease, severe thrombocytopenia. Diseases suggestive of vascular lesion. Suspected malignancy associated with elevated bleeding risk.

Special Precautions

Not to be administered I.M. Renal failure, diabetes mellitus, hypoaldosteronism with hyperkalemia. Paediatrics: Safety not established. Pregnancy: Contraindicated. Lactation: Contraindicated. Elderly: Use under medical supervision.

Side Effects

Raised incidence of bleeding, particularly from the skin, mucosa, wounds, GIT & urogenital tract. Increase in serum potassium levels. Allergic reactions. Thrombocytopenia. Osteoporosis on long term use.

Drug Interactions

Aspirin, coumarin derivatives, dipyridamole, dextrans, cephalosporin-type antibiotics, highly-dosed penicillin. NSAIDs potentiate the effect of reviparin, and nitroglycerin infusion diminishes its efficacy.

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