$config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['smtp_host'] = 'smtp.zoho.com'; // e.g., smtp.zoho.com $config['smtp_user'] = 'support@drugtodayonline.com'; $config['smtp_pass'] = '9!cMuuka'; $config['smtp_port'] = '587'; // e.g., 587 for TLS $config['smtp_crypto'] = 'tls'; // Set to 'tls' or 'ssl' depending on your SMTP server's requirements Innovative Healthcare Solutions by Oaknet Healthcare Pvt Ltd: Enhancing Lives with Excellence

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Oaknet Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Oaknet Healthcare Pvt Ltd

Oaknet Healthcare Pvt Ltd is a trusted name in the pharmaceutical industry, dedicated to improving global health outcomes through innovative solutions. Committed to excellence, we prioritize quality, safety, and efficacy in all our products. With a diverse portfolio spanning various therapeutic areas, including cardiovascular health, pain management, and respiratory care, we aim to address the evolving needs of patients and healthcare professionals. Our relentless pursuit of scientific advancement and patient-centric approach drives us to develop cutting-edge medications that make a meaningful difference in people's lives. At Oaknet Healthcare, we strive to be a beacon of hope and healing, transforming healthcare one step at a time.

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