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It has pronounced pregnancy-maintaining action in castrated animals without producing, hormonal side-effects. In the human premature termination of pregnancy often follows a fall in the level of placental hormones. Allylestrenol has been shown to stimulate the placental progestrone production & promote the secretion of placental hormones (H.C.G., human placental lactogen, oestrogens and progesterone) and oxytocinase in patients with pregnancy at risk.


Threatened abortion. Habitual abortion. Threatened premature labour metrorrhagia & premenstrual tension.


Threatened abortion : 5 mg 3 times daily for 5-7 days then reduce gradually till symptoms disappear. Habitual abortion : 5-10 mg daily as soon as pregnancy has been diagnosed, till critical period is over. Threatened premature labour - Individually (upto 40 mg daily).


Undiagnosed abnormal vagina bleeding. Mammary or genital carcinoma. Hepatic impairment. History of thromboembolic disorders.

Special Precautions

Migraine, epilepsy, diabetes.

Side Effects

G.I complaints like nausea, vomiting.

Drug Interactions

Decreases effect of tricyclic antidepressants, hypoglycaemic agents anticoagulants. Rifampicin, barbiturates and phenytoin may interfere with effects.

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