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A synthetic antimalarial derived from artemisinin. Artemether is effective against all strains resistant to the other antimalarial agents.


Severe falciparum malaria, cerebral malaria, multidrug resistance malaria.


Adult: 80mg twice a day for 3 days Children: 1.6mg/kg twice a day for 3 days.



Special Precautions

Avoid concomitant use of drugs known to prolong QT interval of monitor such patients. Renal/hepatic disease. Avoid combination with pyrimethamine /sulphadoxine. Paediatrics: Reduce the dose according to weight. Pregnancy: Avoid, especially in 1st trimester. Lactation: Use with caution. Elderly: Reduce dose according to body weight

Side Effects

Decrease in reticulocyte count, slight rise of ALAT and ASAT may occur.

Drug Interactions

medications known to produce a prolongation of the QT Interval.

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