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Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl Peroxide

It gradually liberates oxygen (in the presence of water) which kills bacteria, specially anaerobic/microaerophilic ones.


Acne vulgaris & acne rosacea.


Apply & leave on skin for 15 mts the first evening. Increase length of exposure by 15 mts each evening until application is tolerated for 2 hrs. May be then left overnight.


Hypersensitivity. Ulceraed lesions on face.

Special Precautions

Avoid contact with eye; eye-lids, or mucous membranes, burning and stinging sensation is often felt initially. It can bleach hair & coloured fabric. Paediatrics: Contraindicated. Pregnancy & Lactation: Safe. Elderly: Use with caution.

Side Effects

Excessive dryness of skin, marked scaling, erythema, edema and contact sensitization.

Drug Interactions

PABA sunscreens may transiently discolour skin.

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