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It is quickly absorbed; produces a brief initial phase of strong action followed by prolonged milder effect due to a two phase plasma concentration decay cure. It is preferred in acute panic states & anxiety associated organic disease.


Anxiety, tension, muscle spasm, psychosomatic & behaviour disorders, dysmenorrhoea, cerebral palsy,upper motor neuron spasticity. Sedative for surgical procedures, labour, tetanus, eclampsia.


5-30 mg daily in divided doses.


Acute narrow angle glaucoma. Hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines. Myasthenia gravis.

Special Precautions

renal or hepatic impairment. Perform blood count & liver function tests in prolong treatment. Not to dilute or inject rapidly. Paediatrics: Safe. Pregnancy: Contraindicated. Lactation: Safety not established. Elderly: Reduced dose is required.

Side Effects

Drug dependence & abuse, G.I. disturbances, drowsiness, impaired alertness, sedation, vertigo, increased appetite & weight gain.

Drug Interactions

Cimetidine reduces clearance. phenothiazines, narcotics, barbiturates, MAOIs, antidepressant potentiate action of diazepam. Reduced efficacy of phenytoin and levodopa.

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