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Mycophenolic Acid

Mycophenolic Acid


Prophylaxis of organ rejection in adult patients receiving a kidney transplant, prophylaxis of organ rejection in pediatric patients 5 years of age and older who are at least 6 months post kidney transplant, in combination with cyclosporine and corticosteroids.


Oral, adult- 720 mg twice daily, pediatric dose (in age group more than 5 years)- 400mg to 720mg twice daily.


known hypersensitivity.

Special Precautions

Paediatric: Safety and effectiveness in less than 5 year pediatric patients have not been established. Pregnancy: Category D. Lactation: Data not sufficient; Not known if it is excreted in milk, decision to discontinue drug may be taken depending on importance of drug to mother. Elderly: use with caution.

Side Effects

Embryofetal Toxicity, Lymphomas and Other Malignancies, Serious Infections, New or Reactivated Viral Infections, Blood Dyscrasias Including Pure Red Cell Aplasia, Serious GI Tract Complications, Rare Hereditary Deficiencies.

Drug Interactions

Antacids, cyclosporine, acyclovir, oral contraceptives, live vaccines.

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