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A homologue of theophylline and phosphodiesterase inhibitor; it has been shown to increase blood flow in ischaemic areas by reducing whole blood viscosity and improving flexibility of RBCs. The rheological (dealing with the property of flow) action, rather than vasodilatation is held responsible for improving passage of blood through microcirculation. Thus, there are no chances of ‘steal phenomenon’. Oral doses do not affect heart rate, peripheral resistance and BP.


Cerebrovascular insufficiency. Peripheral occlusive arterial disease & circulatory disorders of arterio sclerotic, diabetic, inflammatory or functional origin. Trophic disorders. Lower leg ulcers & gangrene. Circulatory disorders in the eye.


400 mg, 2-3 times daily. Inj. 15 ml by slow i.v. infusion in 250-300 ml normal saline over 3 hrs. Repeat 2-3 times daily


retinal haemorrhage, acute MI, severe haemorrhage, hypersensitivity.

Special Precautions

Renal dysfunction. Severe coronary artery disease. Hypotension. To minimise side effects it should be taken after meals. Paediatrics: Not recommended. Pregnancy: Contraindicated. Lactation: Contraindicated. Elderly: Use with caution.

Side Effects

Nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, bloating, flushing, vertigo.

Drug Interactions

Potentiate antihypertensives.

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