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Vaccines and Immunoglobulins

Vaccines and Immunoglobulins

These are the agents used for both active and passive immunisation. Active immunisation increases resistance to infection following recovery from an infection or artificially through administration of vaccine. Passive immunisation is achieved by administration of antisera of antibodies in the form of antisera (of animal origin) or immunoglobulins ( of human origin) I. Vaccines : Immunisation vaccines are used for active immunisation against various disease. These are: BCG vaccines, Polio vaccines, Triple antigen, Diphtheria antitoxin, Measles vaccine, Meningitis vaccine, Haemophilus b conjugate vaccine, Dual antigen, MMR, Influenza virus, Chicken pox vaccine, Hepatitis B vaccine ,Typhoid vaccine, Hepatitis A vaccine, Tetanus toxoid, Tetanus antitoxin, Cholera vaccine, Gas gangrene antitoxin, Pneumococcal vaccine, Rabies vaccine, Rubella vaccine, Anti snake venom injection. II.Immunoglobulins : Tetanus immunoglobulin, Rabies immunoglobulin, Human normal immunoglobulin, Hepatitis B immune globulin, Gamma globulin, Anti D immunoglobulin. III. Immunostimulants Tinocordin

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