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Foundation Spearheads Fight Against Childhood Obesity: World Child Obesity Day Commemorated

In a concerted effort to combat the escalating crisis of childhood obesity, the Generation XL Obesity Foundation has orchestrated a landmark discussion session, bringing together esteemed personalities and stakeholders. Marking World Child Obesity Day (WCOD), the session witnessed the presence of distinguished figures such as Dr. Sanjay Borude, Founder of Generation XL Obesity Foundation, alongside Mr Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, and Raj Thackeray, MNS Chief.

A pivotal moment of the event was the unveiling of the Generation XL Obesity Foundation logo, symbolizing a renewed commitment to tackle childhood obesity head-on.

Childhood obesity, often termed as the "king of all diseases," stems from a myriad of causes, ranging from genetic predisposition to lifestyle factors. As children increasingly indulge in calorie-rich diets, the repercussions extend beyond mere weight gain, encompassing psychological burdens such as anxiety, depression, and social isolation. Recognizing this pressing issue, the Generation XL Obesity Foundation was instituted two years ago, with a mission to raise awareness and implement effective interventions.

Dr. Sanjay Borude, a staunch advocate for combating childhood obesity, emphasized the gravity of the situation, stating, “Obesity is the harbinger of preventable diseases, with projections indicating a worrisome trend of rising obesity rates. Timely intervention is imperative, as childhood obesity often translates into adult obesity, perpetuating a vicious cycle of health complications.” Dr. Borude highlighted the Foundation's multifaceted approach, including nationwide awareness campaigns and capacity-building initiatives aimed at healthcare professionals.

Mr Devendra Fadnavis, Deputy Chief Minister of Maharashtra, underscored the importance of governmental interventions in addressing childhood obesity. He outlined various initiatives, such as the Ayushman Bharat Yojana and Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram, aimed at promoting maternal and child health. Additionally, he emphasized the need for comprehensive measures in schools, including nutritional education and mandatory physical activities.

Echoing similar sentiments, Shri Raj Thackeray, MNS Chief, emphasized the pivotal role of parental awareness and education in combating childhood obesity. He stressed the significance of nutritious diets and urged schools to prioritize healthy food options in their canteens.

As the discourse on childhood obesity gains momentum, the Generation XL Obesity Foundation remains steadfast in its commitment to safeguarding the health and well-being of future generations, heralding a brighter, healthier tomorrow for all children.

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