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Every year, simple AMR solutions could save 750,000 lives: Lancet

According to a recent opinion in The Lancet, vaccines, better water and sanitation, and better ways to stop infections could stop over 750,000 deaths annually due to antibiotic resistance (AMR). At the World Health Assembly, experts stressed how important it is for everyone to work together to fight AMR right away.

The research shows that increasing vaccinations, ensuring everyone has access to clean water, and enforcing strict hospital infection controls can significantly reduce infections and the need for medicines while maintaining their usefulness. It also emphasises the need to streamline access to new and old drugs. This could save millions of lives from bacterial diseases.

Even though these results are encouraging, the study has some major flaws. There are people who say that even though these steps could save a lot of lives, they are very hard to put into action, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Many people have expressed concerns about the ease of implementing improved sewage and water access, the scale of vaccine programs, and the enforcement of infection control rules in resource-poor areas.

The study also points out an important hole in research on drug management, especially in LMICs. Because there isn't enough data, it's hard to guess what will happen when people stop using antibiotics in unnecessary ways, which is a key part of fighting AMR.

The authors advocate for increased funding for the development of new medicines, vaccines, and testing tools. They say that the current model of drug research, which is based on making money, is not enough, and they call for agreements between the government and private companies to make sure that drugs are affordable and easy to get.

Overall, the study presents a compelling case for reducing AMR-related deaths, while also emphasising the need for significant funding and global collaboration. The next UN General Assembly, which will take place in September 2024, is a very important event for setting high goals and making sure that people can always get effective medicines.

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