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Tragedy Strikes: Fire at New Born Baby Care Hospital Claims Seven Lives

A devastating fire engulfed New Born Baby Care hospital in east Delhi's Vivek Vihar on May 25, 2024, resulting in the loss of seven precious lives of newborn babies. According to officials, the fire outbreak led to the rescue of 12 infants, out of which six succumbed to their injuries, while one infant passed away prior to the fire alert.

Currently, one infant remains on a ventilator, and five others are undergoing treatment at a nearby medical facility.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara), Surendra Choudhary, reported that all 12 newborns were successfully rescued from the hospital with the assistance of bystanders and promptly shifted to East Delhi Advance NICU Hospital for urgent medical attention. Tragically, six infants were pronounced dead upon arrival. The bodies of all seven deceased infants have been transferred to GTB Hospital for postmortem examinations.

The rescue operation was fraught with challenges as the infants were located on the upper floors of the building, necessitating swift and coordinated efforts from rescue teams and local volunteers. Firefighters managed to contain the blaze, which had engulfed the three-storey building and posed a threat to adjacent structures.

Atul Garg, the chief of Delhi Fire Service (DFS), revealed that they received the distress call at midnight, prompting an immediate response to the fire at the baby care center. The heroic efforts of firefighters, aided by local residents, led to the successful evacuation of the infants, although the intensity of the fire caused significant damage to the hospital premises and adjacent residential buildings.

Videos captured at the scene depict the valiant efforts of locals, who climbed grill bars and ladders to reach the upper floors, rescuing newborns from the raging inferno. Despite the fire spreading to nearby structures, prompt action by firefighters averted further casualties.

Fire Officer Rajesh, speakspeaking news agency, confirmed the receipt of the fire alert and subsequent extinguishing of the blaze by fire tenders. The impact of the fire extended to two buildings, including the hospital and two floors of a neighboring residential complex. The timely rescue of 11-12 individuals ensured they received urgent medical attention.

Investigations into the cause of the fire are underway, with authorities pledging to provide further updates as the situation unfolds. The tragic incident has cast a pall of sorrow over the community, prompting calls for enhanced safety measures to prevent such heart-wrenching tragedies in the future.

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