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23 great ways to lose weight

Not a single day passes without one encountering tips on losing weight on various media platforms. Obesity has become a global epidemic accounting for at least 2.8 million deaths each year according to World Health Organisation estimates.

Inexpensive high-calorie food, the emergence of physical activity reducing technologies and social structure, cheap nonphysical entertainment options coupled with the fad for low-fat food replaced by excessive eating of food rich in simple carbohydrates and sugar is contributing to obesity like never before.

Misinformation or unsubstantiated information about losing weight, misplaced expectations from weight losing regimens are resulting in people not achieving desired goals.

One need to understand that losing weight is a gradual process and needs a lot of consistent effort and there are no shortcuts to achieving goals. When people start Weight Loss Tips initially some weight gain may be recorded. This happens because muscles weigh more than fat and initial weight gain results from muscle development.

High impact exercises coupled with the choice of the right kind of nutritious foods are the best way to lose and maintain weight at healthy levels. Here are some effective steps that can help in losing weight.

1          Why lose weight?

First and foremost comes the understanding of why one needs to lose weight. It is not just about looking good. People should understand that losing weight and maintaining optimum weight is essential to remain healthy, reduce the risk of contracting diseases and is financially rewarding at the end of the day. If the goals are well defined, the motivations remain high, which in turn ensure success.

2          Pursue a realistic goal

Keeping goals realistic is the most important aspect in achieving something and it apples for losing weight too. One cannot lose weight in the span of very short duration. To achieve a better success rate, people should stagger their goals and break them into achievable levels. For example, if someone needs to lose 10 kilos weight, they can break them into four parts and work out accordingly.

Remember, every small success becomes the motivation for reaching the next level!

3          Track eating habits and be specific

Tracking what one eats is very important as many times people sabotage their diet and exercise plans without realising it. The best way of keeping track of what one eats is by maintaining a specific record of food eaten. It helps to identify the deviation and correct the course better.

4          Perseverance pays

Many people get demotivated when they fail to stick to plans; failing is normal, no one learns to walk until they fall! There will be days when people will fall prey to temptations, but such incidences should be used as learning opportunities and not be allowed to derail the entire journey.

5          Let people know

Sharing goals with near and dear ones not only begets encouragement but also creates a sense of accountability for anyone trying to shed a few pounds.

6          Make changes permanent

Losing weight is more about lifestyle and one should strive to make the changes permanent even after reaching weight loss goal and not revert to old ways.

7           Self-rewarding

Rewarding self is the greatest motivational tool and one should devise means of rewarding oneself (without eating something) every time the intermediate objective is achieved.

8          Weight gain is OK

When people start weight loss programmes initially some weight gain may be recorded. This happens because muscles weigh more than fat and initial weight gain results from muscle development. A more reliable measure is paying attention to how well the clothes fit and how much better one feels during the initial months.

9          Drink a lot of water

Research suggests that drinking water reduces hunger pangs along with increasing body metabolism. Anyone striving to lose weight should sip water regularly to drink 2.5 litres of water every day.

10        Bet on fibrous food

Fibre-rich foods aid in weight loss in several ways. As fibres take time to be digested, it reduces calorie intake. Moreover, fibre improves the gut flora, the healthy bacteria that reside in the intestines. However, one should increase fibre slowly in one’s diet to allow the body to adjust.

11        Banish soft drinks

Soft drinks are nothing but empty calories and are a big no for those striving to lose weight. Various researches have found that even diet soft drinks result in weight gain and an increase in the fat deposit.

12        Shun restaurant and street food

Going out for lunch or eating out results in consuming too many non-nutritious calories. Those looking to lose weight should plan so that their meals contain enough fruits and vegetables along with lean protein.

13.      Snack away

Snaking is not bad if they are packed with nutrients and eaten in small quantities. Those trying to lose weight can snack on a few almonds or a small apple or a handful of roasted grams to help them from overeating during mealtime.

14        Eat on small plates and bowls

The quantity of food consumed is largely determined by the size of the plates and bowls used for eating. Using smaller bowls and plates while eating removes the sense of deprivation and halving the plate size led to a 30% reduction in the amount of food consumed on average, various research indicates.

15        Healthy fats are good

People obsessed with low-fat food do more harm to their cause than good when trying to lose weight. Eating healthy unprocessed oils in small amounts daily helps people to avoid overeating. Healthy fats include cold-pressed virgin olive oils, sunflower or coconut oil.

16        Eat a lot of veggies

Eating enough vegetables can be a good way of feeling satiated and a meal should contain at least 50% to 75% vegetables. Brightly coloured foods like carrot, tomato or bell pepper are rich in antioxidants and nutrients and eating them more often without unhealthy sauces helps to reduce weight.

17        Drink green tea

Research suggests that caffeine and catechin in green tea can speed up metabolism and help in reducing weight. Drinking a cup or two early in the day is a good idea to keep weight in check.

18        Eat more protein

Various studies indicate that doubling lean protein in diet help people to lose their weight and fat more than by keeping them at standard levels. Lentil is a very good source of lean protein of plant origin. Eating egg whites are also a delicious healthy lean protein option.

19        Eat a healthy breakfast

Contrary to popular belief, skipping breakfast is counterproductive for people trying to lose weight. A protein and fibre rich breakfast is a very good way to start the day as it prevents gorging later.

20        Cut down on alcohol

Alcohols are notorious sources of empty calories, the worst enemy for those trying to shed weight. Keeping away from alcohol helps to shed weight faster and should be strictly adhered to while trying to lose weight.

21        Watch what to eat

Every meal must contain protein vegetables and grains. People trying to lose weight must choose whole grains over flour as whole grains are rich in fibre and other nutrients.

22        Skipping meals make people fat

Contrary to popular belief skipping meals makes people fat. Research show that skipping meals slows down metabolism thereby causing weight gain or making it harder to lose weight; what one should remember is to plan meals well in advance so that healthy food options are available while preparing meals.

23        Climb stairs

There is no alternative to doing exercise when a person is trying to lose weight. Cardio exercises like climbing stairs, brisk walking, cycling, swimming and playing field games like football help to burn fats much faster. Running for 30 minutes five times a week is one of the best exercises to shed a few pounds. Similarly climbing stairs for 30 minutes, results in burning about 235 calories equivalent to eating a 50-gram chocolate

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